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Southern African Bird Sounds
900 Species on 6 Compact Discs
Cover: "This set of six CDs concisely
presents the sounds of over 900 Southern African bird species and can be used as a sound guide to the Sasol, Roberts', Newman's and Sinclair's field guides. The
birds are presented in South African number order, and are announced by number and English name. Each
recording is approximately 30 seconds in length, including announcement, and is a concise representation of
the commonly heard and typical sound for the species. The recordings are of high quality and have been
meticulously edited to provide easy listening. Approximately 700 of the recordings have been provided by the
author, and the remaining 200 by an international panel of bird sound recordists and archives. Each CD is
approximately 75 minutes in length and contains 150 species. For easy reference the birds are numerically
arranged within the CDs, with 10 species per track and 15 tracks per CD. Also included is a booklet guide to
the CDs wherein each species is listed with number and English, Afrikaans, and Scientific name. In addition,
the list is annotated with details of the recording circumstances, comments on behaviour and call type, and
credits for contributed recordings. A quick reference alphabetical index and CD-guide is also
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