Cover: "A double-CD pack featuring
300 Southern African bird calls, carefully selected as commonly heard, widespread, and representative of the
varied habitats and regions of Southern Africa. Includes a full bird list with English and Afrikaans names,
and Roberts' numbers. The
birds are grouped according to habitat, including Town and Garden, Bushveld and Woodland, Mountain and
Cliff, Night, Forest, Grassland, Dry West and Water birds. Use the announced channel to learn the bird
calls, and the unannounced channel to test yourself, or simply for easy background listening."
Synopsis: "African Bird Sounds
contains on 15 discs the most characteristic songs and calls of the birds of North, West and central Africa,
as well as neighbouring Atlantic islands and those in the gulf of Guinea. The area covered by African
Bird Sounds is contiguous with that of Birdsongs of Zambia (Robert Stjernstedt) and Southern African Bird
Sounds (Guy Gibbon), allowing the identification of most bird songs and calls between the Mediterranean
and the Cape province (excluding far eastern Africa). Out of a total of 1550 regular species in the area,
1466 are presented (95% of the total). Of these 1550 species, 150 are only found north of the Sahara, 275
(migrating and overwintering species) north and south of the Sahara and 1125 in the south only.
Volume II, consisting of 11 discs accompanied by a 192-page booklet, deals with the tropical West African
region and presents 1043 species. It includes only nesting and certain intra-African migrant species. The
geographical limits of this work in sub-Saharan Africa are the northern border of Angola, the southern and
eastern border of Zaire, the mountains east of Zaire and Congo and finally the western Sudanese
Audio-CD, 34 Minuten, mit 4-seitigem
Gillard Bird Cassettes (Südafrika), 1997, GBC CD01, ISBN 0-620-20740-X
Synopsis: "Animal calls of 31 mammals
and 9 birds of Southern Africa. Each call is on its own track. There are no announcements or interruptions.
Sound recording by Len Gillard."
The Beginner's Guide to Bird Calls
of Southern Africa
von Len Gillard
Audio-CD, 53 Minuten, mit 4-seitigem
GBC Sound (Südafrika), 1998, GBC CD04, ISBN 0-620-22804-0
Synopsis: "This CD offers a selection
of calls for the 99 species of birds considered the most common and widespread in Southern Africa. Each call
is on its own track. There are no announcements or interruptions. Track listings are in Afrikaans and
English and feature bird numbers [Roberts]
compatible with all bird books."
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